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 No to plastic! We respect the island of Ischia.

More than a movement, a necessity. Small gestures for enormous help.

27 June 2019

Many campaigns in recent years have been totally dedicated to raising awareness to reduce plastic, a very serious problem for the entire planet and our seas.
It is precisely for this reason that many states have begun to adopt new laws prohibiting the use of disposable and all that is related to the typical disposable, which contributes exponentially to the pollution of our planet Earth and therefore of our beautiful island of Ischia.
Fortunately, the campaigns were really impressive and each of us in some way felt compelled to do something, the municipalities of the island of Ischia have in fact established a "plastic free" ordinance that prohibits the use and marketing of non-biodegradable plastics.
And 'precisely for this reason, Ischia received a special mention from Legambiente and Touring Club Italy that have described our waters as "the most beautiful sea 2019".
A sea without plastic therefore, cleaner and less polluted that has been awarded by two important associations of environmental and tourism.
32 areas of Italy have received this merit, from Maratea to Favignana from Pantelleria to our nearby island of Capri and many others.
"State-of-the-art realities in the fight against plastic show that it is as urgent as possible to ban the use of plastic dishes, encouraging the use of reusable on their territories and anticipating the timeframe provided by the European directive on disposable approved at the end of March," writes Legambiente.
A contribution that we hope will conquer and raise awareness in our society by creating a tourism that can lay the foundations on sustainable development.
It is for this reason, therefore, that the beaches of Ischia this year will have an extra charm, will be "Green" and therefore at the forefront for the protection of our planet.

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